Your Dog Problems Solved

Why Punishment and Anti-Bark collars Will Not Work Long-term

Although it is tempting to punish your dog for barking, punitive methods often fail because they do not address the root cause of the problem for the dog. Consequently, the dog still has the desire to bark even though temporarily inhibited by the pain or fright of the punisher.




Punishment, in the form of shouting, physical abuse, noise deterrents, spray collars, or shock collars may seem to work for a short time, but they are not a long-term or reliable cure.  The motivation that caused the dog to bark in the first place is still there and, after the memory of the nasty experience has faded, the barking will begin again.   Alternatively, the dog’s need to bark may be so strong that it overwhelms the painful or frightening punishment being delivered, and the dog continues to bark regardless while putting up with the unpleasant or painful sensations. 


In addition, while punishment is being delivered, the poor dog experiences unnecessary pain or fright.  Imagine how you would feel if you got a quirt of a nasty smelling substance up your nose, a kick in the ribs, or an electric shock every time you spoke.  Tempting as it may be at times, especially when the barking is becoming really annoying or the neighbours are complaining, it is much kinder, and, ultimately, more productive to listen to your dog, find out why he needs to bark so much, and then to find a more intelligent way to solve the problem.


NB:  Anti-bark collars can be set off by other dogs barking, by loud noises and sometimes by radio interference or malfunction of the collar.  Would you take the risk that your dog is sprayed or shocked repeatedly when he is doing nothing wrong?


For intelligent ways to solve your dog's barking problem, please go to 'Barking'.



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